We are often told at parent’s evenings, ‘Your child must learn their tables’, but as a parent, this is easier said than done. Firstly, why bother? Learning your tables seems old fashioned, and as a thirty something that was at Primary school in the 80’s and early 90’s, it wasn’t as important when we were at school compared to when our parents were at school. However, the government have implemented yet another statutory test (June 2019) with it becoming mandatory in 2020. It is sat by Year 4 children (8 and 9 year olds) in order to ensure that they know their tables by heart up to 12 x 12.
But, we were at a significant disadvantage. I have always struggled with Maths and even now, as an experienced teacher, I still feel as though my Maths isn’t as secure as I would like it to be. This is definitely down to a lack of the basics early on – including learning multiplication tables. As we are all trying our best to home school at the moment, now is the time to focus on this with your own children.
So what can parents do to help?
1. Rote learning and chanting – This is often seen as an old fashioned way of learning our tables, but trust me, it works! Chant tables in the car, whist walking to school, whilst in the supermarket and whenever you have a spare 5 minutes! The best thing is that there are no resources required!
2. Write them down – Repeatedly writing tables facts helps to embed them.
3. Have a strategy and use known facts – Doubling and halving numbers, counting, visualising numbers. Whatever it takes! Sometimes, children have a mental block when it comes to learning off by heart so develop a strategy with your child. For example: If your child knows that 5 x 6 is 30 then seven 5’s is only 5 more – count on.
4. Practise, practise and practise – There’s just no getting away from it, regular tables practise is the only way forward. Make time for it daily – even if it is just five minutes.
5. Websites or games – try to make tables fun. There are lots of Apps and websites available to help with times tables. I can honestly vouch for Times Tables Rock Stars. It’s a paid subscription but the fee is minimal for a family at only £6 per year. The children love it and it is highly educational. https://ttrockstars.com/home
6. Display them on the wall – Download my poster or make your own! Looking at them daily will really help.
Mrs G
